8 Quotes & Sayings By Alan Dapre

Alan Dapre is a publishing executive best known as the founder of the Alan Dapre Books imprint. He has been a publisher for over thirty years and holds a Master's degree in English Literature from the University of California at Los Angeles. His first book, a history of American baseball, was a finalist for the National Book Award. As a writer, he has published two other books on baseball and is currently at work on his fourth novel Read more

He lives in New York City with his wife Donna and their cat Ms. Jazzy.

Love builds a bridge. Hate builds a wall.
Love builds a bridge. Hate builds a wall. Alan Dapre
Beware the ideas of March... just one little letter changes...
Beware the ideas of March... just one little letter changes the whole meaning. I love the way worms can do that. Alan Dapre
The art of writing involves making as many cups of...
The art of writing involves making as many cups of tea as you can in the time available for writing. Then adding extra time for writing... Alan Dapre
Surely if Alternative Facts are untrue they should be called Ficts? Alan Dapre
I tried to think outside the box but couldn't open the lid. Alan Dapre
It's good to write badly. Things can only get better. Alan Dapre
Art is personal, criticism shouldn't be. Alan Dapre